We have all been told that if we want something, we should just ask; but what if we could ask for anything? With the law of attraction, we can set intentions to attract whatever we like; just like how people with similar interests attract, for example, successful people tend to mix with other successful people. If we intend to attract happiness, then we will be happy, or if we intend to attract wealth, we will be wealthy. This is how you can do it too:

To heighten your manifestations, you can play any frequency that is above 432hz, light a colour corresponding candle, or light a corresponding incense. Firstly, you need to write down 10 things that you are grateful for to higher your vibrations. Then write 3 things you love about yourself and 3 things you want to attract (abundance, happiness, love) In the present tense, write 3 (or more if you wish) things you want to manifest, for example, “I am able to shift to calm energy whenever I desire.” Your manifestation will resonate more if you read it aloud a few times and speak it into existence, or you can visualize your manifestation happening.                

Just like asking for a promotion at work, we can ask the universe for what we need. This is just one of the many methods to manifestation, but with practice and research, you can learn to ask the universe for what you need too. You are in full control of your life and can make your dreams happen with time and patience. Blessed be!                      




Credits: @luvvleilanie (Instagram)