What is corruption? Well if you were to search Google the answer for this question would simply be, "dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery." Yet when we see corruption in the modern day it seems to delve so much deeper than "fraudulent conduct". You see it is rare to find and form of entertainment or politics which have not been touched by the disease of corruption; it's seen in all countries, all sports and all people. It has been shown when global enterprises use sweatshops, or by football club owners putting the clubs they own into administration in order to fulfill a bet that they would get relegated.

However, there is always one common factor- no matter who, what, when or where corruption will always happen when someone has too much power over another person. This will always be true and it was realised by Lord Acton who said, "absolute power corrupts absolutely". This goes to show that no matter how advanced we think we are if we live in a world where on person can completely conrol another that is a world destined to be corrupt and in order to get past this we must understand that thier is no way of putting value on a person's emotions or being.