Cancel CULTure- Is it to extreme?



Cancel culture is part of pop culture, it is when people boycott someone’s social media and use #cancel and then the persons name. This mainly happens to celebrities. Examples of those who have been cancelled this are: James Charles, Trisha Paytes, Kanye west, Taylor swift , Katy Perry and the list goes on.


What does it take to get cancelled?

Normally it is a tweet from the past which is racially insensitive, or a racial slur or if someone does something that the majority of people think is wrong they can also get cancelled such as having a objectionable view.


Although this isn’t why cancelling was used for originally, it was mostly used to call celebrities and other people out for sexual assault and misconduct. The hash tag cancel was to show that the victims voices were heard and to also make sure that people knew the perpetrator. When the #Metoo movement started. Examples include Woody Allen and Harvey Weinsten.


So when did Cancel CULTure become toxic?

Cancel culture slowly got used more and more for cancelling people due to 10-year-old tweets, it the progressed to people cancelling one another due to differing views. This become toxic because instead of confronting and allowing regrowth for the person society just cancels them.


Recently influencers such as; James Charles a make up artist and social media influencer recently talked about how being cancelled affected his mental health, this has helped people realising the damaging effects of cancelling someone just because other people are or just in general instead of allowing them to explain or change.  I asked 10 people whether they thought cancel culture was to extreme and 9 out of 10 of them though it had gone to far; while 1 of them argued that it makes people take accountability for their actions regardless of how long ago it was.


Slowly but surely cancel culture is no longer so extreme as people don’t take it as seriously and parody it but using the hash tag in a jokey fashion towards friends.

Also as trends change old ones such as cancelling die out to.  


Hopefully Cancel Culture becomes less extreme.


By Leena Jenson