As part of our BYC/UKYP campaign to tackle knife crime, On Saturday 13th October 2018, a police officer from a Hackney based police station vocalised to us the youth of Britain, the importance of staying street safe (whether its drug use, violence or even theft), what it is like to be a police officer and the skills required for it. The day consisted of an intricate description of the role as a police officer, some of the issues that arise when stopping and searching and much more.

This event gave me a vivid insight on how and why the Police handle different situations in different ways. But… the event also left me with unanswered questions. As there is such a large crime epidemic in London we were given a few tactical ways to prevent ourselves from being victims. Here are just two: Being Prepared – It’s vital to plan your route ahead and carry cash as well as a charged mobile phone on you at all times.

Being alert/assertive – Listening to music, texting, or even a quick phone call to your best friend affect how aware you are of your surroundings. Moreover not letting off a confident persona is likely to increase how vulnerable you look.

When I alongside other members of the Hillingdon Youth Council spoke to the police officer, he stated that, “Police officers that are on patrol are gradually increasing in more criminalising areas”.

Help make London safe.