During Christmas times people gather and spend time with their families. People tend to be more joyful, happy and helpful, it is just how Christmas is meant to be. Most of us has seen seen how much people donate and give during Christmas time. We have all seen adverts on the TV, or underground for children or people in need during Christmas. We would be more likely to donate and give to charity or help someone during Christmas as we would be more likely to show sympathy towards those in need, especially orphans, as Christmas is a holiday for your family and those children do not have the family they wish for at Christmas. 

Even as people tend to help more during Christmas, once Christmas is over they go on with their lives and forget about those people who still need help, or those children without families. A thing that parents would tend to do during Christmas is buy their children a puppy. We all know the saying “a dog is for life and not just for Christmas”, however if you get someone a dog for Christmas and not really think about if they would be really able to look after the dog, if they will be able to take it out, clean it and play with it, the person that has received the dog will probably have to give it away. Just like having a dog, people should not care for it only during the holidays, the same goes for people in need, and children without families. We should try to help them throughout the whole year and not just during Christmas.