Since September 2016, Waltham Forest Council has been pushing for the relocation of Higham Hill Library-situated in North Countess Road, Walthamstow.  Proposals involve “an extensive programme of modernization for three library locals”, including a refurbishment for Lea Bridge and relocations for both Higham Hill and Wood Street libraries.  The proposals are part of the “Vision for Local Libraries” scheme, which aims to provide libraries with a number of new features, including enhanced ICT facilities and self-service technology.

 However, public consultancy surveys held by the council at Higham Hill Library revealed that most residents were against the proposals, with many preferring the option of refurbishment in replacement of relocation. The first consultancy - held in December 2016 - resulted in the creation of a petition against proposals, (which now has almost one thousand signatures), as well as delaying the suggested demolition of the library. The petition stated that the library was “a well-used and much-loved facility at the heart if its community”, which should not be demolished in order to be sold to developers for the creation of housing.

 Additionally, the “We Love Higham Hill Library” campaign’s website, (which has received the support of children’s author Michael Rosen) accused the council of not providing clear enough details of the new proposed relocation site nearby- Priory Court Estate, and even missing out information in their reports. The website revealed that the relocation would put up to 1500m² of green land at risk - information which the council reportedly did not add to their final reports.

 Since the consultancy surveys, Higham Hill Library has been recognized as an Asset of Community Value, the definition of which is: “a property of importance to a local community which is subject to additional protection for development under the Localism Act 2011”. Even so, Waltham Forest Council is currently preparing a final report to take to the cabinet, and the Scrutiny Committee. The dates of when this is due to occur are still waiting to be released.