Some people think reading isn't creative because you're just reading stuff others wrote. However, when you read, you're actually making up pictures and ideas in your head.


In my school, our teachers launched a thing called "drop everything and read." Basically, we couldn't do anything but reading during tutor time. I used to hate it because reading made me super sleepy. It felt like a real struggle. Then I met this guy, Justin Li, who totally changed my mind about reading. He suggested listening to soft music while reading, which helped me stay focused and made it more fun. He also showed me how to picture what I was reading, which boosted my imagination.


Thanks to Justin, I finished a whole book and learned a lot. Reading didn't just make me more creative; it also helped me understand language better. These days, I can't go without reading. I do it every morning, on my way home, and before bed—sometimes I even fall asleep with a book in my hands!


But you know what? Reading isn't just about being creative. It's also about being patient. In a world where everyone wants things fast, sitting down with a book from start to finish is a big deal. It teaches you to stick with things, even when they get tough.


So, reading isn't just about words on a page—it's about unlocking your imagination, learning new things, and being patient. Give it a shot, and you might just discover a whole new world between the lines.