Chalfont St Peter was once a spotless town. There is a huge common with woodlands as well as a park. In the summer there are family picnics and it is covered with friends meeting and in the winter it's covered in snow and people sledging and building snowmen, however this once loved land is now becoming a littered area. The parks have crisp packets and drink bottles in them as well as having rubbish all by the benches where people sit, this is making the area less appealing and slowly draining the community spirit which Chalfont St Peter is known so much for.

At the bottom of the village there is another park and green and area, there is also a skate park and a river as well as a football club which leads to footpaths in the woods. This provides a community space for everyone ranging from young athletes with huge aspirations to dog walkers that can I have relaxing walks. Children play in the newly built park and the area is full of happiness and joy as people relax in a carefree safe environment. Also there are huge allotment areas owned by residents who live in Chalfont St Peter here they have a space to make their own and grow whatever they like. The school next to the allotments also own a patch and they have clubs where the children can do gardening so not only does this area fuel hobbies but it inspires the younger generation. 

Chalfont St Peter will never stop beaming with life and love however some people are losing their respect for the beautiful sites. We need to keep up the respect that Chalfont St Peter deserves.

Name: Macy Owen    

School: Chalfonts Community College