Venice notoriously known as a common tourist destination by people worldwide has experienced one of the most damaging phases in its history. The Covid 19 pandemic has hit the city much greater than others, with the city’s income excessively reliant on the tourism industry. The pandemic resulted in travel restrictions which have prevented tourists from entering Italy since and if the travel vans stay put numerous citizens could be made jobless, with restaurant and shop owners earning minimal amounts while gondoliers have been completely out of business for more than a year now.


The contrast of less than 50,000 residents to 30 million tourists shows just how damaging the padmeic has been to the city. With water levels rising also, the city’s life is at risk and it is important travel bans are lifted before the city slowly stars to die off due to owners of businesses moving due to their lack of income and their fear of rising sea levels.


While there has been visible negatives for Venice concerning Covid, in particular the destruction of the tourism sector in the area which it is immensely reliant on, there has been positives too. The lack of traffic on the canals and constant crowding of boats and gondoliers have made the seas much cleaner and the appearance of more fish has also been evident. Furthermore, it has also improved noise and pollution greatly and made Venice a healthier environment in general. Additionally, it has given the opportunity for citizens to gather at the square and decide themselves and share their own opinions on how Venice must be changed and revitalised. In all, it has given the city a glimmer of hope behind the towering industry of tourism.