Most people have the basic understanding that the subconscious mind is extremely complex, has an intricate design and a logical ‘alignment’ for its function. People tend to maintain that the subconscious takes primary form in the intangible emotions and thoughts we experience within our minds, as opposed to a more scientific approach that they are merely electrical impulses travelling across our synapses at rapid acceleration. 

Whatever the personal opinion, there is one characteristic that everyone agrees on when discussing the subconscious: it is very much real. The subconscious is active in every sleeping and waking hour in our brains, and, although this claim is disputed, arguably impacts every layer of humans in their existence and self concept. It is a physiological labyrinth in its methods and effects, however, is only identified by the majority of scientists as the shadow of our conscience. Its reputation does not live up to its dominance in our emotional lives, and thanks to films like Inception and Lucy, it appears to be ‘too mystical’ for our own comprehension, and, consequently, takes a meagre seat as it becomes abandoned and left to the cinematic world. 

The truth is, learning how to utilise and reprogram your subconscious mind can make dramatic changes in your everyday thinking and genuinely help you to turn your life around. It can help you turn your aspirational goals into a material reality. It can help you live your dream life!

‘It’s fascinating. I always knew about the distinction between the two, but always thought that you were only able to control your conscious mind. I had no idea that it was possible to train both. This is definitely a tool that I will be using from now on!’ said Olivia Meadowcroft, 16. 

You may be asking - How do I do it? How do I rewire my brain? How do I tap into my subconscious? 

1) Distinguish what it is you desire. Confidence? Happiness? More money? A satisfying social life? Whatever it may be, but make it specific. 2) Say this out loud - almost like a mantra or affirmation. For example, ‘I am kind’ if it is kindness you desire, ‘I am confident’ if it is confidence you need. 3) Lastly, repeat these affirmations several times throughout the day. For these steps, it is important to use a concise choice of positive words, have clear visualization of what you want and how you will be when you possess those things and feel the corresponding feeling. In other words, repeat the mantras in the present tense - as if you already have them and act how you would feel if you had them. Although it might be hard to believe, the continuous repetition and regularity of this method will slowly start to build up and trigger small changes in your life, which, over time, will add up to massive changes of lifestyle and a new approach to your reality. 

You don’t need to spend money, move to a new environment or have a new collection of people in your life in order to change it. It all starts with you! 

The book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy goes into great detail about certain methods and the logic behind this programming, and is a great read if this is a topic of interest to you.