This Easter marks a year since the pandemic changed our lives in ways nobody could ever have imagined. Although this year is another year of change and adapting to the new ways of life, enjoyment can still be found in the simple things over the Easter holiday.

  1. Enjoy the slight relaxation of the rules that allow you to meet with up to six people or two households and get outside to enjoy the warmer weather. Socialising is key to sustaining our mental health, especially after burrowing away inside for so long. Maybe have a socially distanced picnic in the park or a barbeque with some family or friends.
  2. Treat yourself to lots of Easter chocolate that seems to have been stocked in the supermarkets since Christmas! Take advantage of the plethora of options available at this time of year – especially since Easter chocolate seems to taste so much better than a regular bar of chocolate.
  3. Embrace your innate creativity and perhaps make and decorate some easter decorations. Seeing as we spend a large proportion of our lives at the moment inside, you may as well make your house a bright, colourful and happy place to be by hanging decorations in every room!
  4. Find an open-air swimming pool so you can start swimming again before the indoor pools open on the 12th.

I asked a friend, Matusha Sivakumar, what they thought people should do this Easter: “The best thing to do is just call up a friend and ask them if they want to go on a walk. It’s always the quickly assembled plans made on the day that are the best so don’t feel the need to scrupulously plan in advance.”

Whatever you do this Easter, get outside, relax and make the most of the sunshine!