Ever since COVID-19 has taken over England, many people stepped back into the shadows of shielding, and haven’t left the shade for nearly a year. With the UK’s vaccination programme, the government has allowed many people to step out of their houses and return to a glimmer of normality. 

I accompanied my mother to her vaccination at the medical center near Purley. I was delighted to see that in the center there was an extreme sense of order. The queues were properly organised, divided into first and second shots; as well as ages and gender. This made it very easy for my mother to correctly join her line, and increase efficiency of the vaccination process.

The process itself, my mother says, was “extremely efficient,” she was taken to a large hall, small spaces separated with surgical curtains. Receiving the jab itself was a quick enough process, but the nurses and doctors were more than willing to answer any questions one would have on the Vaccination, as well as explain any side effects this would cause. The entire thing didn’t take any longer than fifteen minutes, and upon asking the doctor, I realised that the side effects of this vaccine were much less compared to what it saves you from.

Ever since this vaccination programme has started, I can see more and more people who I haven’t seen for a year step outside their houses and enjoy the fresh air. I once again smile at my elderly neighbours, out for a stroll in the park, or enjoy the fresh morning sunlight on my face, as the lockdown restrictions loosen due to the vaccines rolling out. I know it is not back to the normal I knew before, nearly a year ago, evident by my little gingerbread mask on my face. But I know we are getting somewhere, and there is a small sliver of change, on the horizon ahead.