The moon phases are shown to have various impacts on people, animals, and nature, with the most important being the full moon.  

Within nature, the moon controls the tide due to its gravitational pull on earth. This gravitational pull causes a tidal force which causes the tides to rise and fall depending on where the moon is positioned in the sky. In humans, up to 60% of our body is water. This means that the moon can affect us just how it can affect our seas.  During the full moon, scientists had recorded that brain activity related to deep sleep dropped by 30%, therefore, this shows that the full moon can cause unrest in human beings as well as animals. 

The full moon also effects breeding behaviour within marine animals due to tide-related patterns. Not only animals that are directly affected by the oceans tide are changed by the moon, but also animals that live on land show evidence of having moon-related behaviour.  

The effect of the moon certainly is prominent in animals but if animals have this gene that causes different behaviour in a full moon, why can't humans? The full moon could explain many strange occurring such as sleepwalking, headaches and just general unrest, explaining that we are much more linked to nature and the planets than we think.