Online Learning


The UK government has put the whole country into lockdown which is due to the rise in cases for Covid-19 schools have been asked to close and not open for the spring term causing all learning to move online. This is not the first time this has happened as during the back end of the summer term in 2020 during the first lockdown schools were forced to have lessons online. This has caused many problems for students and the teachers. With everyone being stuck at home and being forced to move online for work and school, internet connection has become a finite resource as demand is higher than ever. This has caused students and teachers to be kicked out of calls leading to key lessons and overall education to be missed and wasted. Students having technical problems with microphones and cameras has led to interaction between student and teacher be lower than ever. Students are finding it hard to motivate themselves to log on to these online lessons due to them having all the distractions around them which includes their phones, families and even mental health problems. Mental health has become a huge issue for children as they are missing out on there key years for interaction and fun with their friends. With all these factors education has become even harder for the students and this leads for the question on if students will be able to pass exams their major exams happening next year or should we expect these children to have the lowest grades yet. Uncertainty between students and teachers is very high as both are unable to see if online education can replicate real class work. This problem may cause a gap in education for all children during this time. What may this cause for the children’s futures?