At the end of every year, many of us take the time to reflect on the past year. We generally tend to focus on the lowlights and how we could have done things differently, which is where New Year’s Resolutions come in. Many people come up with resolutions along the lines of being more productive, living a healthier lifestyle or taking up a new hobby of some sort.

A popular idea this year has been the idea of Veganuary, where, as it says in the name, you are Vegan for the whole month of January. This means that not only can you not eat meat, you also cannot eat any other animal products and many vegans also tend not to use other animal products. Being vegan has health and environmental positives such as reducing energy consumption through less meat output needed, and according to the World Health Organisation it also reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke and other complications. Supermarkets such as Tesco are also showing the benefits of going vegan and are providing recipe ideas to help people make this change. On Tesco’s online grocery website, they are currently advertising their plant-based range to try to promote veganism.

Many people also enter into the New Year with plans to exercise more as another way of making their lifestyle healthier. As England is now in lockdown and schools are shut, this leaves more time to try to carry out this resolution, although there are more limited options as to how to do it as exercise facilities, such as gyms and swimming pools have closed. One of the options which it could be relatively easy to take up is running. It is difficult to find motivation to persevere with this and an app which may help this is the Couch to 5K app which aims to have its participants running approximately 5K in 9 weeks. It is a way of helping to ensure that you are active in this lockdown, instead of sitting in front of a computer all day doing work or school.

Overall, New Year’s Resolutions, when stuck to, can be very useful in helping to motivate people to improve their lives and fitness.