Caterham High School’s virtual Christmas concert is here! Although, 2020 it is a lot different due to the COVID-19 restrictions, this could not restrict the fantastic festive spirit found in the staff and students, who have spread their love, unity and cheer, which is exactly what we need after this trying year. 

‘Performing Arts’ was the theme for the 2020 winter concert, which saw a variety of students from a range of ages and backgrounds expressing their unique and wonderful talents: through playing a plethora of musical instruments, such as the piano and guitar, soulfully singing and performing a magnificent musical! Teacher’s also sang and danced their hearts out, reminding us of the true importance of performing arts - it connects us all together.

I found the concert to be highly moving and raised awareness of the hardships that Christmas time brings, whereby songs were often devoted to expressing the dark reflection of the pain and heartbreak that the pandemic has created, as well as how Christmas brings back memories of past tragedies for many people throughout the years. A song called ‘Winter Time’, written and beautifully sung and rapped collaboratively by both a year 9 student and a teacher, recognised how we must be compassionate and warmhearted to those who are struggling to live especially on the streets during the freezing winter weather.  

However, the humorous and whimsical musical - ‘Got To Get Back To Hogwarts’ – which followed soon after, made me appreciate the playfulness and intrinsic joy that Christmas also represents. The students’ interesting and innovative take on Harry Potter was unforgettable and enjoyable, including an all-female cast, who did not hold back their true enthusiasm! I particularly loved how Draco Malfoy was portrayed hilariously with sass and fervour, that brought the character to life! 

Finally, the teachers’ merry and energetic rendition of the classic song, ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’, nicely wrapped up the Christmas concert, inclusive of a range of teachers, all of whom gave it their best; dancing and really defining the meaning of ‘performance’. Their infectious zeal and sparkle of their happiness and the tinsel that they wore, forced me to want to dance and smile too! Not only did their performance shine with a mountain of joy, but the message of the song highlights how this is a time to think about others across the world...a time to give and share...a time to love and spread love.

Here is what a teacher happily said after taking part and watching the Caterham Christmas Concert:

"In challenging times where many things are being cancelled, it's great to see the students still getting a chance to perform and be recognised for their hard work. No it wasn't in front of a full audience, however the video will now be something that they can keep forever! I am so proud of them all!"

After watching (and then re-watching, because it was SO powerful and impacting) the Caterham High School Christmas Concert 2020, I was reminded of the beauty of performing arts; not knowing what life would be like if these did not exist. Performing arts are not merely a form of expression, but a part of our souls that words cannot simply always describe, whereby they are strong forces that connects and inspires every generation globally. Therefore, as the students and teachers in the concert passed on their microphones to each other (which were festively shaped as Christmas crackers), it illustrates that we too must pass on and share our talents to give everyone a profound voice.

2020 saw the performing arts sector heavily suffer, as many theatres, concerts and arts centers were forced to close for a long period of time, due to coronavirus. Yet, lockdown also brought out the creativity in people, who may have started to learn a new musical instrument, write and sing a song about this year that deeply means a lot to them or even dance away the anxieties of the pandemic. This reveals that performing arts – singing, dancing, acting – are at the core of humanity for its immense effect towards every single one of us throughout time. 

As 2020 (a truly life-changing year) comes to an end, let us remember to stay humble and grateful for everything that we have, especially family and friends that are close to us physically or in our hearts. We must celebrate not just because of Christmas, but also because of how far we have all come and grown in this year; consciously acknowledging all of our achievements, whether they be large or small steps closer to hope...

What are YOU grateful for?

What are YOU proud of? 

How will YOU spread love and compassion creatively to others moving forwards into 2021?

(You can find the link to the Christmas Concert here: )

Written By Saambavii Suthakaran, Caterham High School