Effective recycling has been something countries, such as the UK, have been trying to succeed for quite a while now but just haven't reached the heights that others like Denmark have with their recycling system

Denmark has improved their recylcing system a lot and started off by being the first country to introduce the law that at least 50% of all paper should be recycled in 1978. Later improvements were made in 1989 where the Statutory Order on Waste was made a Danish law. This is where there is the same policy all over the country so effective waste removal is made, unlike the UK where councils decide what they do about recycling. In Denmark, every citizen recycles everything they can into containers, these are then collected by people and taken to an area where they are sorted into certain containers by workers, making it less stressful on the people at home and also providing jobs for people to work in these recycling areas. Now the UK doesn't come close to what Denmark does.

The UK doesn't really have a recycling policy as each council decides what they are going to do about recycling in each area. This makes is extremely hard for efficient recylcing to be done. Some of the materials that are being 'recycled' in the UK aren't acctually being recycled properly and are ending up in dump sites or the ocean. Now 23 million metric tonnes of waste is produced by households a year, including food waste, which most impacts the enviroment horribly due to inefficient recycling.

The UK is already trying to make goals for the future, such as trying to recycle more than 50% of all houshold waste by 2021. But we all know that everyone needs to do their part and it doesn't take much energy to think twice about what you put in the bin and what you choose to recycle.