7.1 million people. 7.1 million people in the UK are risking their lives everyday to help us and to protect us. From doctors to grocery workers, we should be thankful for each one of them. But how is this affecting their personal lives?

How do you lower the risk of contamination to your family?

I personally moved out as I have 1 incredibly young child and I want her to be as safe as possible. My husband takes care of her now and even though it’s hard for me to be away from her for so long, her safety is much more important.

Does the spread of this virus ever scare you?

I am sure that it terrifies everyone, key workers or not but yes it does. I have heard all the stories about key workers on the news which does not make me optimistic but all I can do is stay positive and hope that I am helping everyone as well as myself.

Is it ever hard talking to some of your patients?

Most of the time the patients are scared but quite nice people in general. However sometimes there are patients whose families are terrified and this does cause a lot of anger to form within them But this is all just part of the job and you just have to learn how to adapt.

Finally, do you think this virus is going to end anytime soon?

I really hope so. All I know is all of us key workers are trying our hardest to overcome this virus, but hospitals and ambulances are all backed up. Like I said all we can do is hope that this terrible event does not last too long.

This key worker is just one of millions sacrificing her personal life to assist us so the least we can all do is stay inside to protect ourselves and everyone else in the country. We owe them at least that.

Aishi Srivastava, HBS