We are currently being told not to go to the hospital unless absolutely necessary but minor illnesses and injuries can still be unpleasant. Here are some home remedies for while you are in lockdown, believed to be effective help against minor ailments and using ingredients you are likely to already have at home.

A tried and tested treatment for bruises is witch hazel. Soak a cold compress with witch hazel and apply it to the bruise, soaking the pad again when it begins to dry out. Alternatively, you can apply mashed parsley or comfrey to the bruise, leaving it there for as long as possible.

There are several simple ways to treat a minor burn. After running it under cold water for at least ten minutes you can apply lavender essential oil to the burn. You could also cut a leaf off an aloe vera plant if you have one and rub the juice onto the burn. Another remedy is to make a thick paste of bicarbonate of soda and water and keep it on the burn with a clean pad of fabric and a bandage. An ideal combination is bicarbonate of soda, water and lavender essential oil, if possible.

Ginger is considered very good at combatting nausea. If eating raw ginger seems a bit much for you, try some ginger tea, although it may be less effective, adding honey to taste. This ginger tea is sometimes used as a remedy for colds, as is raw garlic because of its strong antibacterial qualities. Some people swear that a sandwich of raw garlic and tomato is a very effective remedy for the first signs of a cold (but I haven’t tried it myself). People also drink teas of fresh lemon balm or thyme to combat colds, although you must not use thyme in any form as a medical remedy if you are pregnant.

Coughs are another ailment that have many potential remedies. One is to eat lots of grapes, which act as a natural expectorant, or mix grape juice with a little honey. One classic homemade remedy is to peel a medium sized onion and chop it finely before mixing in some honey and leaving it overnight. This is then to be taken two or three times a day. Another remedy you can try is to make an onion purée out of a medium sized, peeled onion and mix it with the juice of one lemon and some boiling water and take a little of the mixture several times a day.

These are just a few home remedies to try when you are stuck at home before you try to call the doctor with a minor problem. Some of them might not work as I haven’t tried them all, but they seem to be worth a try, considering the currently strained services. Please note that if you have a serious illness or injury, or symptoms persist for a long time or worsen, seek immediate professional medical attention.