We are all aware that boredom has been peaking for all due to the spread of COVID-19. Although this may tempt many of us to go out, just for a quick second and enjoy some of the summer breeze that is coming along, danger will only lurk as a result. As a result, more panic will arise and more people are put at risk from this pandemic.

We, as citizens of our country need to realise the danger of this situation and stay at home at all costs to protect others as well ourselves. From that being said, there are a series of things and hobbies that we can all take part in not only to keep ourselves inside but to work on ourselves as people.

1. Clean and organise the rooms and mess you've been convincing yourself you would do in a couple of weeks, but never have.

Not only will this save you time later on from when that pile of unsorted mess will grow, but your mind will be at ease.You'll not only feel accomplished but I'm sure it would feel a lot better for you to be in a clear environment during the long stay in our homes.

2. Read,read.read

Whilst picking up a book during quarantine doesn't sound like the most interesting hobby to do. Many don't realise how many hours of what could've been boredom go by whilst you're engrossed in a book where you can't seem to let your eyes leave the words.

For all those still uninterested at this idea for conquering boredom, it is important to note that you need to find your own interests and what you enjoy and read pieces that allow you to feel that same way. It doesn't necessarily need to be 1000 page novels;comics, articles and short stories can fill that void of boredom too!


3. Learn new recipes and cook!

This may be a hobby to pick up that your family members may benefit from too. Firstly, you'll have the opportunity to test of your chef skills and make what you desire to eat or try out. Also, in times like these, I'm sure mothers and other family members would truly appreciate this help.


4. Start new projects

This is probably the idea that sparked the most to me personally since rises in our creativity and wild imagination diverts us from the boredom we could find ourselves in. This could be perhaps a film project where you try and make short films, created by you and your imagination. It can even be short pieces of writing you assemble together. 

You could even turn these projects into contests between siblings or other family members and their results of their projects. 


Hopefully these ideas, or at least a few of these can help subjugate the boredom harbouring in you and allow you to find new ideas and opportunities.