Since 2017, SIX has provided an engaging alternative viewpoint to the well-known history of Henry VIII. The six queens are rewriting their stories through this gripping musical.

Just a short walk from Leicester Square station, the Arts Theatre explodes with a burst of light and colour as six Tudor queens take back control of their history. The show makes a point of having an all-female group of performers on stage (including both cast and musicians) and ends with a message of female empowerment and teamwork, a strong theme of ‘sisters before misters’ shining through at the end.

The lighting and costumes are bright and colourful but not overwhelming. Just enough to engage the audience and make them feel as if they are surrounded by the story, but not so much that it goes overboard. This works particularly well in the small theatre.

Although some of the current queens are members of the original cast and others are newer additions, all act naturally and with vigour so much so that most people would not be able to tell the difference just from looking at them. All of the cast sing and dance flawlessly and engage with the audience with confidence.

The atmosphere before the show was one of excited anticipation and the performance didn’t fail to disappoint, with many people leaving saying that they hoped they could see it again or wishing that it could have been longer (since it was only about 75 minutes long – short enough to need no interval). The audience engaged enthusiastically, always knowing when to clap, laugh and so on with the help of the cast’s prompts or dramatic pauses.

One song, a reprise of a previous song, can only be listened to at the performance as it is not on YouTube, Spotify and so on, a good incentive to watch the show yourself.

I would definitely recommend this musical with its catchy songs and lasting message and it’s worth seeing multiple times as well. Seeing it in person is far better than any listening experience you could get over the internet. Since the show is only running until 2020 and takes place in a relatively small theatre, everyone who can should go and see it soon because it provides a new historical perspective and is really a life-changing experience.