“The world is big I am small” the penguin child finds himself in a panic as everything is so big and scary,he learns to stand up and that he too is important.

Me! is a performance made by Samantha lane and its based of the illustrated book by Emma Dodd,the puppets are also made and acted out sometimes by Jimmy Grimes. The book is light hearted and still very endearing nonetheless. Me! Was also made by all the lighting and the tech crew which includes; set designer Simon Plumridge, music composer Arran Glass and lighting designed by David Duffy.

.Me! is a spectacular performance about a baby penguin who realises who he truly loves and how big and important he is in his family. The production is made using only puppets and very little dialogue, the music is loud and entertaining and it makes it a experience for the whole family, mostly children though. I would recommend it to those people who have kids under 5 and want them to be entertained and or make them laugh. This production is not long only 40 minutes with no breaks but still very nice, the whole performance is made for children and there are plenty off other seats away from the kids but there are also mats along the floor for those kids. The performance is very well constructed and would watch again.

“the performance was okay and the puppets where cute, the seats were comfortable and relaxed. I would definitely come again if I had children “~ Ally Melsington, teacher 23

“the performance lacked the speech people needed it was a bit bland but still very exiting and may be very entertaining to young children”~ Millie , student 15

By Amelie Klein