As a modern global issue, climate change is definitely a concerning topic for many. Being the leading cause for forest fires, extreme heat waves as well as aggressive storms such as hurricanes, we are currently facing what could be the destruction of the planet.


Since 1880 average sea levels have risen about 8 inches, with about three of those gained in the last 25 years. Due to the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere trapping more of the Sun’s heat, the ice caps continue to melt at an alarming rate. In 1997, 23.92 bmt of fossil fuel and cement emissions was recorded, with twenty years later in 2017 emissions rising to 36.15 bmt. Carbon dioxide levels has risen to a distressing 412 parts per million, reaching their highest in 650,000 years.


Recently we’ve seen climate change being a more frequent topic being discussed, such as representatives such as Greta Thunberg speaking at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City. A Global Climate Strike also took place on September 20th of 2019, voicing the opinions of many all across the world. More animals are losing their homes due to forest fires as well as deforestation for meat production, another factor to the increasing levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.


Despite the negatives, there are still many great achievements to helping solve climate change and saving the planet. We can evidently see an increase in renewable energy, with electric cars, solar panels and reforestation projects to help reduce the levels of CO2 in our atmosphere. Furthermore, more people are beginning to speak out against climate change and that we should act now before it’s too late.


To conclude, climate change is something that should definitely not be taken lightly or ignored. It is the future of our planet, wildlife, and society. We must continue to strive for change, as it is our job to help save the Earth.


Written by Natalia Hirabe, Nower Hill High School