House hockey competition


 Our school is holding a house competition this week, every girls should be doing it and each one of them is taking part in the game.


Girls are divided in different groups according to their year groups, year 7 and 8s and doing the competition on Monday, year 9 and 10s are doing it on Tuesday and the elders are doing it on Wednesday. 


Each group of them are dividing into their teams according to their houses and we are having the match during our games lessons. 


Students enjoyed doing the competition, however, we interviewed them about what they think the purpose is for school to hold a sport competition. 


“I enjoyed the game quite a lot although our house did not win, but it makes me feel relaxed after running a lot, I think it is a good way for people especially students to relax when they feel stressed about their works or studies.” 


 “I love sports, I think the point of having a sport competition is to make us exercise more as this is a good way to avoid having lots of diseases, such as obesity and diabetes.”



The view points of the 2 girls present that they enjoyed the game whether they won or not and they understood the point of having a house hockey competition and doing sports. 


There are lots of benefits of exercise, especially the following ones:  

----- FIRSTLY: you can lose weight, improve the body’s metabolic rate through exercise, burn more fat energy, it can also effectively reduce fat, maintain muscle content andachieve the purpose of weight loss.

----- Secondly: exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Regular exercise can improve insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients, improving cardiovascular health in patients with coronary heart disease, and stabilize blood pressure and blood lipids.

----- Thirdly: exercise can help improving your memory. An report has shown that exercise can stimulate the secretion of hormones and maintain the growth of brain cell, which also benefits the prevention of senile dementia.

----- Fourthly: reasonable exercise can improve sleep quality and correct insomnia. There are also exercises that can relieve pain, make people feel happy and so on.



All in all, the school house hockey competition has benefits our physical and metal health, it is always good to exercise regularly or go outside to breath fresh airs. We should all fully understand the points of doing sports and take a active part in it.


We enjoyed our school competition quite a lot.


October 2019


Jingyu Wang