In 2019, we have a massive load of great films coming such as pet sematary, captain marvel, almost all disney films are coming back to the big screen, but the one I am the most in love with is Us by Jordan Peele, the creator of get out. Get out had increalisy good reviews many criticised the film for not being scary, but with this film, the criticism of horror are not to be with this frightening film, BEWARE OF SPOILERS as I dissect the entire film.

This Is Local London:

US is about a girl, Adelaide who meets her doppelganger who later in her adult life comes back to take her life. Now, there's a lot of different and almost small things that mean a lot that make this plot a lot more complicated, if we look at the opening scene, there are rabbits in a cage in a lab like room, which doesn’t seem to have any interpretation till later, after the going to the santa monica pier for her birthday, she stumbles into a hall of mirrors where she meets the doppelganger known as red, when she is later found, she is traumatized badly, that she goes to see a therapist, which while her parents are talking, Adelaide is lining up animals with the white rabbit in the middle again won't mean anything till the end.

This Is Local London:

Later in life, we see her as an adult with her family, who all later in the film meet the doppelgangers, Red, the “evil” Adelaide is the only one who can speak, she explains that she followed whatever adelaide did, because the government made copies of people to control them, but couldn’t copy the soul leaving the experiment as a fail and leaving the doubles underground forever coping the ones above and eating rabbits, however, the experiment gets out of hand as the dopplegangers make children like the ones above ground do. Red wants to kill Adelaide in order to be free, the scissor used as like separation tool, now the doppelganger family is interesting.

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The dad doesn’t have glasses therefore can’t see as well, he does however, steal the original dad’s glasses to see, it’s a small yet interesting detail. The daughter is insane and wears her hair flat down instead of the usual curly bun, she is also like the original daughter very good at track, nothing is too important about her, the two interesting characters are the son and Red.

Adelaide and her son, are close with a line that says “stick with me, i'll keep you safe.” they seem to be bonded more than the rest of the family, we later find out, Adelaide had to have a c section and red had to do that one her own with no drugs or any real materials. The original son wears a mask due to have confidence issues and likes to play with a toy which makes fire, the doppelganger also wears a mask, but enjoys playing with matches, the boys are told to play in a game cupboard which is held open by a toy ambulance. The doppelganger and the original get along and despite the uproar and wanting to kill the other, the doppelganger follows what the original does, including removing the mask which shows the the doppelganger has his face burned, which I believe in because the son plays with the toy so much, the son is forced to play with matches which links the burn mark, the original and escapes from the doppelganger by kicking the ambulance out the way which indicates the ambulance is safe.

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Each doppelganger dies at the the weakness of each original, the dad dies due to the boat the original dad brought which has to be started by banging on it, which during a fight scene, he does forcing the doppleganger to be sliced by the fan underneath. The daughter dies from her original driving into her and breaking quickly which we know the daughter always wanted to drive. Now the death of the mother and son are different, the original son make the doppelganger follow his moves making him walk into a fire he created, it’s an interesting bond between the two and Im not sure why he was okay with following the person he was trying to kill, Red steals the original and takes him to the lab which is underneath the halls of mirror, Adelaide knows where to go in order to save him, Red and adelaide come face to face where Red explains she got the idea from dancing as Adelaide made her dance, and turn into a political statement which was hands across america which the day of Adelaide and Red’s meeting was the advert for the idea. Red also asked why Adelaide never took her with her. Red walks like she’s dancing constantly, she walks in straight lines and straight turns and in the final battle Red dances around adelaide to kill her, but Adelaide proves to be triumph, killing red for good and saving her son.

This Is Local London:

This is the twist that pieces this whole thing together, the family drive off in a ambulance away from the area where other doppelgangers join hands from completing their mission, like the toy version bringing them to safety, it only gets scary when we find out that when Red and Adelaide meet, Adelaide is choked and Red takes her place meaning the Original Original Adelaide lived underground and revolted in order to return home, which is why she can speak because she's from the above and the main reason why Adelaide knew where Red hid her son making the last line of “why didn’t you take me with you?” even more chilling, in the end, the son and the mother smile knowingly, but the question is how does the son know this happened? I believe it has something to do with the c section as they were never really separated and giving them some sort of psychological bond. Whatever the reason is, it makes this film all the more chilling and is definitely worth watching and creating a more in depth analysis for yourself.