No matter how much the world has evolved, one of the most crucial and recurring topics in the news is global conflicts and the hard achievement of peace, because there are still many wars and exploitations happening every day.

Sometimes, because we are not living these events in primary persona, we underestimate the effects that wars have on countries, communities and individuals, and we tend to forget these events very easily compared to bloodsheds happening in geographically-close areas.

As we all know, wars are the product of power and wealth conflicts within a nation and between nations, sadly consisting of weapons, which could simply be guns or could be nuclear bombs, which kill people, depriving them from the best thing they ever got: life

Wars create sufferance and pain because many people, young and old, experience traumatic events such as watching people die around them and seeing their house quickly disappear from underneath their feet.

However, there are still people who never stop believing and who change their attitudes to help building a new and better world and one of them is Malala Yousafzai, a 21 years old woman with an absolutely charming story.

One day, while she was going home from school by bus, she has been severely hurt in her neck and head by masked man, a Taliban. This event has fortunately made her stronger, so that she could defend the rights of the weaker ones, especially supporting girls that are isolated from the education system in Pakistan.

As time passed, she has stopped hating, terminating that fatale cycle of hatred which traps us all and decided to start showing empathy towards those who hurt her and those who still persecute her, symbolizing the power of love and tolerance compared to anger and indifference towards other humans’ feelings.

In 2014 Malala has been attributed the Novel prize for peace, to show appreciation and admiration for her commitment in Human rights and her great courage, which, even though her young age, pushed her to do extraordinary things and matured her into a person that refuses to be afraid of obtaining her rights as a human being and as a girl.

Malala has become one of the many inspirational figures for young teenagers, giving them a good example to follow and encouraging us to build peace starting from where we are, starting from little things, that don’t seem much but that establish a climate of tranquillity and love.

Sometimes even greeting, smiling to someone, complimenting and apologizing when we do something wrong is enough to start constructing the first steps towards a whole new world, without sufferance and inequality.

If we don’t start making a change in ourselves, how are we going to be able to create a better world for the next generations?