Many people who were in primary school around a decade ago, did not grow up with the new technology we have nowadays. Instead of spending their time on their phones or tablets, playing online games, most people would have been playing board games. Some examples of these include Ludo, snakes and ladders and chess. 

Over the years, the popularity of board games has been lost as technology has been growing. The growth of technology, in my opinion, is not a bad thing however it has been able to give people games which are easier to access and last a shorter duration. Due to these games being more convenient and people being able to play them at most places, board games have slowly lost popularity. I am not against games on phones and tablets, although I do feel that people should try and take some time out of their week to play a board game. 

The reason why board games are so great is because they are a way in which families are able to bond. One Surbiton High School student stated that she ‘enjoyed them because I spent time with my family.’ As well as being able to bond through board games, some board games like chess require strategy. These board games can help develop logic based skills in people who play them as they require a lot of thinking. This can be extremely beneficial for younger children. 

Additionally, 4/4 people thought that younger children should play more board games instead of games on phones/ iPads etc. One person felt this way as in her opinion, ‘children should enjoy spending time being sociable with friends or family.’ All of the people questioned also agreed with the fact that board games were a part of their childhood and that board games are fun to pass time and prefer them over playing on electronics/iPads/phones.