Both university and apprenticeships appeal to a wide range of students, university is costly and is continuing to increase in price whereas, apprenticeships have the possibility of taking a student's level of thinking to a degree level whilst they are still getting pay. So surely an apprenticeship is a no-brainer? Although, apprenticeships give a student the opportunity to learn on the job universities offer a wide range of courses where you can meet people you may find jobs through as well. These are the options that students have nowadays although, our education system doesn’t allow these students to reach the point where they have the opportunity of university or apprenticeships. Students reach for college instead of sixth form in the hope of freedom and the opportunity to be trusted to think for themselves and be motivated. But how are our students supposed to be motivated when they are unable to choose how to express themselves. Students aren't allowed an opinion in small issues within the school such as, a teacher who is unmotivated to the point the students feel as if they are not learning. However, political parties would like to see a younger audience participating in the vote which is critical for the countries success. Similarly, in universities they credit themselves on being able to provide students with a range of skills they will require for later life, they claim they are able to offer future employment opportunities. However, a growing percentage of students and parents question the worth of attending university for the extremely high fees. In addition, it is uncertain whether students are receiving the most efficient education for the fees they are paying whether that is down to their own motivation or the universities standards of teaching it is an issue either way. An increase of students spend their time out clubbing or just avoiding their work this doesn’t go for everyone but in genral in students first year of university, at least 6.2% of university students drop out before the end of their first year. Students are continuing to attend university without an idea of what they want to complete the course achieving as they are either pushed into university or they believe it is their only option as they are unsure of their future. The pressure put on young people today doesn’t allow students to think for themselves therefore, they are unable to explore what they enjoy yet employers still expect students to understand how work and thrive in the real world.