As we approach spring, many new movie trailers are coming out and the hype is increasing rapidly for avid movie-goers. And as more film award shows start to show, people will be looking to see the highest grossing films of the recent month. The films with the biggest popularity from the end of last year to january this year is (unsurprisingly) the Marvel movie franchise.

After the release of Black Panther (which won 29 awards overall), many people who weren't originally interested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe were waiting for the next movies to release, for one specific reason.

Marvels Cinematic Timeline is carefully constructed and follows a complex pattern in which every marvel movie is planned and produced so that it can link to up to FIVE future marvel movies, as shown in their "post credit scenes", which portray what's in store for the future of marvel.

For example (SPOILER!), Marvel's Ant-Man and The Wasp was set during the events of Marvel's Infinity War, Which resulted in a major disaster for the heros, which was shown in the post credit scene for AMATW, as it showed Heroes Scott Lang and Hope Pym disintergrate into piles of ash just as the original avengers had. This often excites fans majorly for the upcoming marvel movies and is a great way to advertise them.

Marvel has many successful films, the most recent being Spider-man: Into The Spiderverse which won a golden globe this year. This film was praised for its flawless animation, soundtrack and beautiful message of community and accepting yourself for who you are. Movies like this are what make Marvel Studios one of the most successful film studios of this decade.