As 2018 has come to an end, social media has been bombarded with the familiar chant of "New year, new me!" Many promise that as the new year rings in, they will have a character makeover to become a completely different person than they were last year. But is this really the case?

Simply put, no. An overnight transition is impossible! Even a one month transition is very much near impossible. And, with minimal motivation, a yearly transition is definitely impossible. In fact, 156 million people that make resolutions in January give up by February, and only 12% of people who make resolutions actually stick them out throughout the whole year. With these statistics proving that a new year does not bring about a new you, it's a wonder why people still insist that they will change every single year.

So, how do you stick to a resolution? Firstly, you must understand that a resolution involves time, commitment and belief, for a resolution is not just a temporary change but a lifestyle improvement. Motivation is key: on tough days, you must remember why you chose this resolution and ride through the tough time! Underpinning everything is your mentality. You have to wake up every day knowing that you will stick to your resolution. This change is for you, so the commitment is to yourself.

Be a part of the 12% who last past February. Go on. Do it for you.