As a Muslim I never got to celebrate Christmas but that did not stop me from feeling the love and warmth every year. It's amazing how one day in December can bring so many friends and family together. Growing up I wanted to decorate a tree, receive gifts from Santa and believe like all the other children. Even though I never got to celebrate Christmas I did get to celebrate New Year's eve and day. It was always magical, having everyone around the dinner table, laughing, talking, sharing and loving. I never felt as if I missed out on much being a Muslim. I always have my friends which would always inform me about what Christmas was like and share part of their love for Christmas with me. The lead up to Christmas is ever so beautiful, everywhere you go there is an extremely large Christmas tree covered with sparkles of light which dazzle in every persons eyes, bringing happiness to everyone. The 25th of December represents the birth of Christ and we should never forget that, even though some of the younger generation may not pay attention to the depth of what Christmas really means. But what everyone knows is that Christmas and new year bring happiness, love, warmth, laughter and family and friends together. Let everyday be a happy sparkling day.