Why shouldn’t we litter I mean everyone else does so why shouldn’t I right?

This is a stereotypically thought that goes through everyone’s mind upon hearing the word littering. There are 101 wrong things with this thought. This same mentality Is what causes a shocking large amount of garbage that ends up in our oceans and affect over 1 million marine animals who digest our garbage plastics which realise chemical toxins. And endanger animals who get trapped in certain plastics.

How does this make you feel? knowing that YOUR garbage is what causes animals to die every single year ! and affect not only our environment but yourselves, the small bits of plastics that fishes digest end up in us so you are not only harming the environment but harming yourselves .littering is an ongoing problem which has been coming up time and time again so why isn’t the problem solved ?surely people are doing something about it? Sadly this is only half of the picture although we have trying to be greener and healthier by reducing co2 it is not enough.citzens like us should try more to recycle in our homes and reduce littering as they end up in rivers and streams then flow out into the ocean.in fact did you  know the largest landfill in the world floats in the middle of ocean! Accomponied by two more garbage patches that have been located in the western and eastern pacific garbage patches.

Recently, a 31ft sperm whale has been found washed ashore off the Indonesian coast with 6 kg of plastic inside it, including 115 PLASTIC DRINKING CAPS! This is where our garbage ends up in large floating patches in the ocean and sadly in the stomach of animals and in the surrounding oceans destroying coral reefs. Plastic takes years to decompose making it leather as it leaks chemicals which also affects us. Littering also comes with consequences it can encourage the spread of pest species and diseases. Also because of our careless littering millions of pounds are spent on our clean up because of this, money that could’ve been spent or used in progressive needs are instead used to clean up our mess. Litter can also block storm water drainage systems and cause urban flooding which requires money for intervention and restoration. Plastic litter tends to be mistaken time for food by both land and marine life by consuming this it affects the animals stomach capacity and affects eating habit, eventually killing them. Some may be poi snus or contain sharp objects damaging the animal’s vital organ or injuring them. Littering is considered to be one of the trickiest problems in society, but I believe we can overcome these difficulties and be a lot greener!