During this time of stress involving our CAP exams I wanted to interview some of my classmates and close friends to ask the question, how stressful is exam season?

My first interviewee is my friend and classmate Chathani Silva. We are both currently studying politics together and I asked for her thoughts on her current exams. This was her response.

“I am quite nervous overall for my exams as this result displays to me whether I am capable of continuing with this subject or not, however I am still prepared as many of my teachers believe I will do well and I would love to make them proud. A lot of pressure but I think I can handle it.”

This was a common response from most of my classmates as they all expressed their concerns of achieving their goals and not wanting to disappoint their teachers or parents.

However, another one of my interviewees Sahil Vaswani stated “I am quite excited for my exams as I have prepared quite well for them. I am excited to be able to show my hard work. Although the stress is in full effect, I believe I can handle it well.”

My last interviewee, Jai Jadeja, stated “I am completely stressed about my exams at the moment, it may be because the work load of year 12 has caught up with me. I hope even if the stress continues my teachers and friends will be able to cheer me up as I go along.”

These statements made by my fellow classmates really convey the stress of exams, if prepared or not, exams can be quite stressful and many students can agree.