Finally, you are 16 maybe even soon to be 17 years old and you get to leave boring high school for college. Yet, being a college student with social anxiety and depression is a lot harder than the average student like myself. Doing everyday normal school activities such as speaking out and answering question has a crippling affect and can make very hard to breathe and control, so this article isn’t to talk about how terrible, but more of how to live with it and live a full college life, the most important thing I learnt to do is to talk to personal mentors in the school, they can help you with just understanding yourself as well as just someone to talk to, For me, I was able to get set up on a care plan which is a plan that can help you when you feel like you can’t be in lessons ,for even help let teachers know to be a little less aggressive on deadlines, doesn’t mean you have a free pass. It also puts you on a special watch list to make sure you come to school everyday adn to ask you if you have a hard time doing so. This is helpful, and helps inside and outside college so when you start of college, don’t allow your mental health pull you down, seek the help in order to stay on top.