Dyslexia in school

But before we go into that you need to understand what dyslexia actually is. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading which means that they struggle to read at a fluent and consistent pace. This could also affect their writing and comprehension. However dyslexia varies between different people. Some could have very minor issues whereas others could have major/extreme cases.  

Having dyslexia in secondary school can be a major challenge, more to some than you would expect. Dyslexia can affect you in many ways for example handwriting reading and expressing your ideas can be very difficult. Having to explain what dyslexia is. There are many little things that you can do if you have dyslexia for example forgetting punctuation, missing out lines when reading or even missing out words.

You can get many things to help with your memory for example many people use voice recorders to be  able to remember those little things through the day that most people would find easy to remember. When it comes to getting your ideas down many people use scribes or dragon dictation to help with that and are able to get their ideas down  it also helps with grammar which many can find difficult.

The best thing however to do is find out that you/ your child has dyslexia asap. This would allow the best possible opportunities/support for your child leading up to their future. Signs that could show you/your child could have dyslexia in preschool:

-struggling to figure out if words rhyme

-taking away beginning letter of a word and trying to say it

-struggling to learn and remember new words

-recognizing letters and the sounds to them.

You can also develop more prominent symptoms of dyslexia in primary school:

-Often can remember/recognise certain words

-Forgets to spell easy words

-Messes up with straightforward maths problems