People do exercise for a variation of reasons; losing weight for either a medical reason or self-motivation as an example. The health benefits of losing weight, in the right way, are immense. If you are overweight and at risk of diabetes or have high blood pressure or cholesterol, then exercise will help to get rid of fatty tissue which causes the most problems. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the biggest killer of people in the UK and although exercise does not stop it, it has positive effects in regard to how bad the CHD could be.

Exercise is also a great way to get your mind off of any problems that you may be having, and being active and exercising improves the oxygen flow to your brain, allowing you to think clearer. This could perhaps solve a problem that you are having and relieve the stress you are experiencing.

Exercise is also used as a form of rehabilitation after an injury. For example, after you dislocate your knee, you need to build up the muscle again and exercises such as swimming are a great way to do this to get you back to your full strength. For example, a close friend of mine at school, who wishes to be kept anonymous, recently dislocated her knee and found that, ‘going swimming 3-4 times a week really helped me regain strength in my knee so I could use it better’.

Exercise is extremely beneficial to us in a number of ways and if we do it safely then the positives it gives to us are immense and extremely useful to us.