On Tuesday 27th March a lone baby fox was found in a back garden of a Hampton resident. The kit was assumed to be 1-2 weeks old and had still not fully developed sight, hearing or motor function. 

It weighed approximately 500 grams and had short black-grey fur.

The species was noted to be a Red fox, which commonly breeds once a year during January and gives birth to young from mid March to May. A litter of 4-5 cubs are produced each year. 

The newborn was removed from the afternoon rain and placed under a nearby tree for shelter.

After evacuation of the area while keeping a close eye on the baby fox, the resident stated the cub was picked up by its mother the following hour. 

The local resident stated “I had no idea what it was initially, but it caught my eye while I was in my garden. I thought it was a mole, but after googling some images it became clear it was a baby fox!”

If any abandoned animals are found it is recommended to leave them where they are for a period of 24 hours to allow the mother to return. Migrating animals may lose their young occasionally while moving to safer locations.

After this period if the animal is still not found it is recommended to contact animal welfare. Please ensure there is no opportunity for the mother to return before taking further action, as animals such as foxes are best cared for by their own in the wild.