Should Online school be a full time option for students?
In recent years, the education landscape has been significantly reshaped by the rise of online learning platforms, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this shift. With the widespread adoption of remote learning, the question arises: should online schooling be a full-time option for secondary school pupils?
Many argue that online schooling has a plethora of benefits including flexibility, personalised learning, and access to a wide range of resources. For students who struggle in traditional classroom settings due to reasons such as bullying, mental health issues, or learning disabilities, online schooling can provide a safe and supportive environment where they can thrive academically and work towards their future. Additionally, online platforms can cater to students' individual learning styles and pace, allowing them to progress at their own speed and delve deeper into subjects that interest them. Furthermore, online schooling can be particularly beneficial for students living in rural/remote areas where access to education is limited so it would enable students to get high quality education anywhere with an internet connection which would help level off and expand educational opportunities for everyone.
On the other hand, critics raise valid concerns about the logistics of full time online schooling. The major concern being adolescents being in their peak development time so human connection is essential for it and spending all day in front of a screen can lead to isolation Additionally, some students may struggle with self-discipline and time management in an online environment, leading to decreased engagement and academic performance. Lastly, not all students have the means to fully adopt online learning which will only widen educational disparities and widen the achievement gap.
In conclusion, while online schooling has its advantages and disadvantages, it is not a viable solution for everyone. Instead it should be viewed as an option to meet the needs to meet the diverse needs of students. A hybrid approach of combining elements of online and traditional schooling may offer the best of both worlds, providing flexibility and accessibility while still prioritising social interaction and hands-on learning experiences.