The recent London marathon has broken records for its exceeding popularity, raising £67 million, and has had a whopping 840,000 people who have entered for 2025. So I’m here to give you a deeper insight on the benefits of running/jogging and maybe this will be the push you need to enter any future marathons!


Consistent running has many benefits such as strengthening your muscles and bones and as well as this your cardiovascular health will improve significantly. By keeping an active lifestyle there is a decreased risk of chronic diseases and strokes and in general your quality of life will improve drastically (especially by spending that quality time in nature!).


As well as physical improvements you will experience mental health benefits. Self-confidence will improve, reduced stress, improved mood, and sleeping patterns will improve.


“I started running a few months ago and it’s the best way to exercise in my opinion; you get to experience the nature around you and my mood has improved significantly” One beginner stated.


Another commented “After seeing the London Marathon I felt inspired to take up running myself, despite not doing it for very long I can see myself becoming very dedicated to it and hope I can participate in a few marathons next year!”


So what do you say? Are you willing to take up the challenge of the London Marathon next year? Or maybe just start running as a hobby, I highly recommend it!