Throughout the 2023/2024 season, there have been many moments of joy, triumph and hardship for the Wimbledon’s young football players. However one team has reached their ultimate goal: Team Stags have stormed their way to the top of the league.

Situated in the heart of Wimbledon, the Little League gives aspiring young footballers the chance to compete. To spark their fire. Their passion for the sport. No matter how experienced you are, all school children from Year 2 to Year 5 can partake in weekly competitions. There is a low annual subscription making the league more inclusive and accessible to everyone.

The league is split into 4 age categories: Minis, Juniors , Intermediates and Seniors. Although all matches are filled with excitement and enthusiasm, the intermediates match of Stags vs Dodgers deserves a specific mention.

From the first blow of the whistle to the very last kick, crowds of friends and family gathered, immersing themselves in the action. 

Soretha Delport, the mum of the Stags’ goalkeeper stated: “It was an amazing game really! I’m especially proud of my son Luke who saved many goals not just this match but this season as well. It is truly inspiring to see him flourish throughout the league; I could not be happier with the support he has received and the commitment from the coaches.”

Although the sheer talent and skill shown from both teams was unmatched, the Stags did come out on top with a score of 3 - 1. With their first goal being scored in the first minute, it was apparent from the start the Stags had the upper hand: they won the entire league with a whopping 34 goal difference. However, the Dodgers did not lose without giving it their all and finished in a well deserved second place.

When asked about what he thought about Wimbledon Little League, Luke Delport the Stags’ goal keeper concluded: “Playing in the Little League is honestly the highlight of not just my weekend but my entire week! The experience has been so valuable to develop my skills as goal keeper and progress in my sport. Also, the football community has provided me with friends of a lifetime and I couldn’t be more grateful!”