I’ve always loved Wes Anderson’s iconic directing style, his precision with framing all his shots perfectly is something I’ve always found fascinating. So when I heard that he was bringing out a new film (featuring none other than Timothée Chalamet), I booked my tickets for the soonest possible screening and prepared myself by watching another of my favourite Anderson films, ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’. My parents and I, all huge Anderson fans, excitedly made our way to our local cinema, anticipating the film we were about to see.

The film was separated into three parts, each focusing on a different article in the Kansas Evening Sun newspaper’s last issue and a scene-setting travelogue showing the more unsavoury parts of Ennui-sur-Blasé, presented by long-term Anderson collaborator Owen Wilson (who plays a cycling reporter). The first part is about the life of a criminally insane artist, locked up and painting from prison, it’s narrated by an art correspondent (Tilda Swinton) who includes all of the grisly and tantalising details of Benicio del Toro’s (the artist’s) life, as well as adding some anecdotes alluding to her (the narrator’s) scandalous past. The second segment tells the story of reporter Lucinda Krementz (Frances McDormand), visiting a friend’s house and ending up having a liaison with their son Zeffirelli (Timothée Chalamet). She helped the wiry-haired student lead a revolution against the adult authorities by writing his manifesto which included the protestors’ slogan ‘the children are grumpy!’. Zeffirelli played a game of chess which determined whether the revolution was successful or not. Finally, the third section - the most highly anticipated part tells the tale of a food review-turned-kidnapping thriller, all recounted from memory by the suave Roebuck Wright (Jeffrey Wright), the author of the article. This particular section is where all the drama and the tension of the film builds, giving the viewers a most satisfactory rush of adrenaline.

All in all, I highly recommend the film to anyone with a flair for the dramatics and an eye for artistic detail. It is truly a masterpiece.