THERE has been a trend in Hollywood lately to take the beloved children’s TV shows of the 70s and 80s, turn them into big budget, CGI blockbusters and completely ruin them for the next generation.

Scooby Do, The Flintstones and Speed Racer have all been butchered on the big screen, so expectations for a live action Yogi Bear were pretty much rock bottom.

While things could have been a lot worse for the pic-a-nic basket nabbing bear of Jellystone Park, after 20-minutes in to this charmless but stylish remake of an animated classic, all hope of it getting better is lost quicker than one of Yogi’s ill-fated plans.

Eager to win votes and pull the city out of a financial hole, the slimy mayor (played with sleazy realism by Andrew Daly) wants to close the national park and sell off the land to greedy developers.

Can Ranger Smith, Yogi and Boo Boo save the park and live happily ever after on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? It’s a no brainer of a plot really and although it is aimed squarely at kids, it’s hard to believe even a six-year-old could fall for this one – unless you mean falling asleep from boredom that is.

News Shopper: DVD REVIEW: Yogi Bear **

While Dan Aykroyd is spot-on as the voice of Yogi, complete with trademark collar and hat, and is ably supported by Justin Timberlake as Boo Boo, he is let down by a limp script, devoid of wit and any decent gags. Even attempts at slapstick are half-hearted and cliché.

Nevertheless, it’s harmless fun for the very young, who will no doubt enjoy the slick and colourful CGI characters and the odd silly caper.

However, nostalgia hungry parents should avoid like a honey pot of angry bees. Definitely not smarter than your average film.

Yogi Bear (U) is out on DVD now. RRP £10.99.