THE Horseman could be a lesson on the dangers of hitchhiking while in the Australian outback. If you’re not careful you may end up riding with someone who has committed six murders while hell bent on getting revenge for the death of his teenage daughter.

News Shopper: The Horseman.

The film follows Christian (Peter Marshall), a self-harmer with a toolbox of torture tools, hunting down the people responsible for creating a porn film which his daughter appeared in and then died shortly afterwards in mysterious circumstances, her body containing heroin, cocaine, alcohol and semen.

Christian is out to find answers and he won't think twice about using his pliers to get them either.

While driving across Queensland, pest controller Christian picks up an 18-year-old girl along the way with problems of her own, though her relevance to the story doesn’t become apparent until she is caught up in the horror towards the end.

These are the only two main characters to feature in this low-budget blood fest from writer-director Steven Kastrissios.

News Shopper: DVD REVIEW: The Horseman **

The Horseman is a revenge thriller with extreme violence which passes off as your average run-of-the-mill torture porn flick.

While any genital mutilation takes place off screen, it still doesn't make for pleasant viewing. And the violence is often gratuitous and frankly gets a bit boring after blood romp number six.

News Shopper: DVD REVIEW: The Horseman **

The characters don’t do simple killings, they have to drag them out in the goriest way possible. Why don't these guys just get a gun and be done with it?

So if you’re a tad squeamish this isn’t the film for you. But if you like watching a man tied to a chair with a hook in his scrotum, and the usual predictable and formulaic scenes of violence where you wonder if our hero will get out alive, you’ll love it.

The Horseman (18) is out on DVD and Blu-Ray now.