An alleged Afghan warlord found living in Mitcham is to be retried next year on charges of torture and kidnapping.

The retrial has been announced following the failure of the a jury to reach a decision at the end of the trial of 41-year-old Faryadi Zardad which began in October.

Zardad was accused of terrorising civilians, allegedly with a "human dog", along a major trade route to Kabul in Afghanistan.

His trial was the first of its kind in this country brought by the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith QC, under international law.

Prosecuting barrister James Lewis QC told the court it had been determined to be in the public interest to have a re-trial.

But it is not expected to be held until at least May next year because of bad weather conditions for witnesses in Afghanistan and the commitments of legal representatives.

It is possible that Zardad although currently on remand could return to the area, as he is applying for bail next week having been in custody since his arrest in Gleneagle Road, Streatham, last year.

Mr Justice Treacy told him: "The crown is going to proceed to try you again so you will have to be tried again by judge and jury in exactly the same way as you have been in the past few weeks"

He added that his was an important case that needed to be tried as swiftly as possible however.

The alleged acts of torture and hostage taking took place between 1992 and 1996 in the Sarobi district.

Zardad was found by journalists to be living in Marsh Road, Mitcham before his arrest.

An application for bail will be heard at the Old Bailey next week.