Swans on Tottenham Marshes are continuing to be killed and taken for food by 'large numbers of eastern Europeans', according to police.

Following reports of illegal fishing and the disappearance of various wildlife, Haringey police issued the following statement: "In recent months the population of the mute swan and other wild fowl has greatly decreased. Intelligence received from members of the public reveal that these birds are being caught and killed for food, by large numbers of eastern Europeans.

"This information has also included the theft of freshwater fish. The police are working in partnership with local animal welfare agencies to apprehend these offenders.

"The area highlighted to police in between Enfield Island Village and Tottenham Marshes along the River Lee, although the problem extends far beyond this area."

Witnesses should call police on 8345 1363 or dial 999 in an emergency situation where wildlife is clearly in danger.