Labour has announced its candidate to stand against the party’s former leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Islington countillor Praful Nargund will be the party's candidate for Islington North, where he will stand against Mr Corbyn, who will run as an independent.

The Barnsbury ward councillor was first elected in May 2022 and has served on licensing committees and the health, wellbeing and adult social care scrutiny committee.

Mr Nargund said: “It’s an honour to have been chosen as Labour’s candidate for Islington North and I look forward to the campaign ahead. I promise to be a truly local MP, that represents all families and businesses that call this special place their home.

“Only Labour can change the country and fix 14 years of Tory failure.

“A vote for Labour is a vote for getting Britain building again to drive growth, to switch on GB Energy to lower bills, take back our streets with 13,000 more neighbourhood police and PCSOs, make our NHS fit for the future, to break down barriers to opportunity for every child with mental health support and free breakfast clubs, and a long-term plan to rebuild Britain.”

He was shortlisted against Sem Moema, a member of the London Assembly, after seven candidates put themselves forward.

Others who failed to make the shortlist included former BBC Newsnight journalist Paul Mason, transport writer Christian Wolmar, Enfield councillor Margaret Greer, who was backed by the Unison union, economist Shreya Nanda and businessman Harry Spencer.

The contest took place after the party's National Executive Committee (NEC) decided to bar current MP Jeremy Corbyn from standing for Labour again.

Mr Corbyn yesterday confirmed he would be standing as an independent in the General Election on July 4, leading to his expulsion from the party.