Today marks the 11th anniversary of the death of Lee Rigby, a beloved dad and British Army Soldier who was murdered by extremists in Woolwich in 2013.

Lee was a 25-year-old British Army Solider and drummer of the 2nd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

He died after being brutally attacked in Woolwich by extremists Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale.

Lee was returning to Woolwich barracks after working at the Tower of London when he was targeted by the duo Wellington Street at around 2.20pm on May 22, 2013.

As Lee crossed the road, the pair spotted his Help 4 Heroes hoodie and mowed him down in the car.

He was almost decapitated and died as a result of multiple cut and stab wounds by Adebolajo and Adebowale.

Adebolajo told witnesses to call the police and urged them to film him as he launched into a rant whilst still Lee's blood.

They waited for armed police to arrive then ran at the patrol car hoping to be martyred but they were both shot and injured.

Adebolajo was given a whole-life term and Adebowale was jailed for a minimum of 45 years.

According to the Daily Mail, yesterday Lee Rigby's mother attended a garden party where the King and Queen offered their support prior to the anniversary.

Lyn Rigby and her husband Ian were among a group of honoured guests at Buckingham Palace.

Lee’s son Jack was just two-and-a-half years-old when he lost his dad and last year, he decided to aim to raise £10,000 by doing the May Marathon for charity in mark of his dad's 10 year death anniversary.

His choice of charity was Scotty’s Little Soldiers, which supports young people up to 25 years old who have experienced the death of a parent who served in the forces.

Jack won the Pride of Britain's Young Fundraiser of the Year award for his efforts and raised more than £50,000 in total - well over his target.

Jacks mum Rebecca told the Mirror: “People think because Jack was only two when his dad was killed, that it doesn’t affect him very much, but that’s not how it works.

“Just because Jack was young, it doesn’t mean he’s forgotten Lee. Lee has always been such an important part of our lives and always will be.

“I’m so proud of Jack in everything that he does, and I think that Lee would be as well.”