A pub on the edge of Hampstead Heath had to remove outdoor seating just weeks after opening as it did not have permission for it.

The Duke of St Albans pub in Swain’s Lane has applied for a pavement licence after a complaint prompted Camden Council to order the immediate removal of its outdoor furniture and planters.

The pub’s application is now due to be determined by a panel of officers before May 20.

The watering hole, run by operator Grace Land, opened on April 9 and is popular with locals and people coming off the Heath.

This Is Local London: Grace Land operators Anselm Chatwin and Andreas Akerlund have reapplied for benches outside the Duke of St AlbansGrace Land operators Anselm Chatwin and Andreas Akerlund have reapplied for benches outside the Duke of St Albans (Image: Nathalie Raffray)

Manager Anna Kaur claimed the pub had no warning that anyone was unhappy with customers sitting outside.

She said: "No-one came in and complained about the benches and the plants. They went directly to the council.

"It's been fabulous nonetheless. Everyone we see is happy about the benches. 

"Everyone wants to sit outside and who complains about plants? They're beautiful."

Daniel Outram, who leads the Swain's Lane Community Facebook page, launched a poll asking members if they support tables, benches and plants outside, object to them, or would allow them with conditions.

When the Ham&High checked on May 8, 83% supported outside seating, 11% supported it but want conditions such as tables being put away early in the evening, and only 6% objected.

Daniel said: "I personally felt the tables, benches and plants were great - that they helped make the lane feel more vibrant, the pub feel more connected to the community, and that it was warm and inviting." 

This Is Local London: People sitting outside the Duke of St Albans before benches, tables and plants removedPeople sitting outside the Duke of St Albans before benches, tables and plants removed (Image: Nathalie Raffray)

Unlike a premises licensing hearing before councillors, which is held in public, the press are not allowed to be present when officials decide on the pavement licence application.

Green Party councillor Lorna Russell, who represents Highgate, has written to the council to support outdoor seating at the pub but believes 11pm is "too late" for outside drinking.

She has recommended that Camden approves the pavement licence request but prohibits the use of the benches after 9pm from Sundays to Thursdays and after 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays.

A Camden Council spokesperson said: “The Duke of St Albans does not currently have a licence to place tables and chairs on the pavement.

"Our licensing team have been in touch with the owners to offer advice and talk through next steps, and we subsequently received an application for a pavement licence which was under consultation until May 6.”

Grace Land operators Anselm Chatwin and Andreas Akerlund have been contacted.