Cats, are our constant companions for millennia, even as far back as the Egyptians. They have so many benefits such as mental health and responsibility  and I would like to pay homage to these in this article.


Every morning I wake up to a gentle miow, as my cat ensures he is fed and everyone is up and out of bed. Cats are very beneficial to us, in so many ways. To start off:


Cats give us a sense of responsibility. Having a living animal to look after, we have to care and ensure not just ourselves are satisfied. Cat owners have to feed, clean the letterbox, and visit the vet. 


Secondly, cats give us company. Having a pet allows us to feel less alone and loved in this big world. Stroking and petting cats help relax them and us, as we release endorphins and enjoy a break from our hectic lives to have a sweet moment of relaxation. Although sometimes cat owners feel our love is not reciprocated, this is greatly combated with the moments of affection from our furry friends - which makes our day, even week. 


Cats relieve stress; They help relieve depression and anxiety. Having a stable and loving pet to talk and cuddle up to, allows us to have comfort and someone who won't judge us and listen to our problems hours on end. 


Cats are relatively low maintenance. They are quiet and sleep for most of the day. Also cats are independent and only rely on us for basic necessities. It is possible to maintain the same life you had before, only with more benefits such as love and those above.


There are lots of benefits to having a cat, and I hope that my meditation on the comfort they bring to someone's life, has brightened your day, as much as my cat brightens mine.