The Tiffin Girls’ School is fast approaching the public exam season, with GCSE Modern Foreign Languages Orals taking place and their Celebration Day on Friday, the event that signifies the start of their study leave prior to their exams. The quickly approaching exams have led to a desire to learn more about efficient and effective study techniques, which this article focuses on.

In terms of oral exams, one learns to not underestimate the importance of learning with time; cramming for exams which rely on memorization and performance cannot ensure successful execution. Starting ahead is arguably the most important technique which ensures that you are thoroughly prepared before you enter the exam; not only does it allow you to gain confidence in your language, it also allows you to identify any errors in your grammar.

Moreover, practicing in exam conditions can really help you gain some confidence so that you feel more calm during the real exam, as you have practiced in an environment similar to that of the exam. Practicing in front of friends and family can be really beneficial, as they can provide you with feedback on your performance. Even if they do not understand the language you are speaking, they can still provide useful feedback regarding your confidence and expression. Providing them with an English translation of your flashcards can also help them provide you with helpful feedback. 

Exams can be very stressful, especially for those taking their GCSEs in a matter of months but, with plenty of preparation and a variety of study techniques, you may find yourself less stressed then you would have been had you not done any revision.